One of the standout additions to WhatsApp is a feature known as "Channels," which made its debut in June 2023. Initially, it was limited to specific countries, but the good news is that it has now been unleashed to users all around the globe. According to a blog post by the company, Channels is expanding its reach to more than 150 countries, which means people worldwide can now jump on the Channels bandwagon.
Channels, in a nutshell, allows users to follow various channels and tap into a handy searchable directory for this purpose. This directory serves as a treasure trove for finding updates on your favorite sports teams, hobbies, celebrities, or any other areas of interest. Admins of these channels are also in for a treat as they can now share text, photos, videos, stickers, and even polls with large audiences through their channels.
But wait, there's more! Alongside this global rollout, WhatsApp is enhancing the channels directory with a nifty filtering feature that lets you sort channels by country. Additionally, users can now express their reactions to channel posts using emojis, injecting even more fun and engagement into the mix. Admins, on the other hand, gain the power to edit their posts for up to 30 days, ensuring that content stays fresh and relevant.
What's on the horizon? Well, according to WhatsApp, every user will soon have the ability to create their very own channel in the coming months. So, if you don't spot these new features in your app just yet, don't fret. They should be arriving on your device in the next few days or weeks, opening up a world of exciting possibilities in the world of WhatsApp.
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